Cork Tray


  • They sell this stuff for a fortune.


  1. Make some painting handles for minis
    Minis need painting and when you paint them you need to hold them somewhere somehow. You can buy these for a bunch of money or just make them yourself. I did by using a cork, a fitting washer and some reusable putty that doesn’t stick permanently.
    These cost about 1,50 and are pretty useful. Made 16 of them. Then they started sneaking everywhere like fir needles after Christmas.
    Paint Handle
    So some sort of tray to hold them all was in order.

  2. Make a tray
    I got myself a wood frame from the art store and started with that. I cut two layers of 5-mm foamboard to size and also cut out holes for the handles. Then glued these in one after the other. Now make sure your handles fit inside the holes and adjust if necessary.
    step 1
    I also have so many bricks still left over from building that tower ruin. So I added a row of them. Then prime the whole inside using black mod podge.
    step 2
    To make the outside look nice I used white stone and lava texture pastes from Vallejo. Also this should give an additional layer of protection to the foam.
    step 3
    Now prime and paint. This one I used grey with brown stiples again, then white dry brushing.
    Finished tray