

  • My DM had some bridges on his map so I made them for realz.
  • Seen a bunch of bridges built on YT but never yet a suspended one.


  1. Build with what?
    So there’s two parts for this really, the scaffolds at either end and the planks in between. Thankfully I built that hut and when you cut all the round edges off these ice cream sticks you’re left with a bunch of flat planks. Use these. The scaffold is great fun when you use Balsa, again, it is very easy to cut, much easier than the hardwood. Also I decided to base these on 2x2 inch floor tiles. I was worried that these might just fall over from the weight of the suspended stuffs. So I added some small stones. I also got a bunch of jewelry stuffs, like a small chain and some loops to hang it all up.
    step 1

  2. Build some planks
    So this is no rocket science here. First pick and prepare your planks: They should be about the same length but some variation is nice, too. The edges should be filed off but they don’t have to be straight. If everything is super straight and perfect, it won’t look as good I think. Put a base coat of brown color on (you can prime too but hardwood is more forgiving). Now glue your chains to the underside of your planks and wait for it to dry thoroughly.

  3. Build some scaffolding
    Now it’s time to get inventive. First of all, your Balsa wood needs to be cut to shape, cut off the edges to make it look hewn, and use a wire brush to add some wood texture. Then you assemble a scaffold that has a nicely wide base area. When glueing you can use pins to fix the parts until they are dry.
    Now add the base tiles and start basing the whole thing.

  4. Paint that thing
    First of all, I put some stones for weight. yes, these are real stones, yes, I primed and painted them along with everything else.
    Well you put some chocolate-y brown first. I went with a weird combo: I then added an off white dry brush to make the wood texture come out and afterwards darkened it all by using a sepia wash. This worked well overall but the planks don’t really have a whole lot of texture; I find them hard (literally) to prepare.

  5. Look at this
    I think these turned out great? Kinda proud. I made one for a 2-inch and one for a 3-inch span but they’re both a bit too big. Nonetheless I recommend trying it. Also you can bring them to game night and then your DM will put them on the map and your mini on them and then there’s going to be a big flood of water and you’re gonna get washed away against a rock and sustain 15 HP and then your DM’s gonna be all like, gee I hadn’t looked up life saving thows yet didn’t think that’d come up so soon and you’re all, like, WHY GOD WHYYYYYY?!?!?! \(>_<)/ Good fun.
    Finished Bridge